
  • Translators and Brexit


    Like many translation companies and language service providers, we make use of the many talents of our European linguists, and indeed we have employed, and do employ, overseas linguists in our company. We are not the only sector of the economy currently concerned as to what will happen post-Brexit, and as the negotiations proceed over the next two years, we

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  • 1999 – Project Fear!


    Following the Brexit referendum, there was a lot of controversy about how the Remain side had allegedly used “Project Fear” to persuade people that leaving the EU would be a catastrophe. It rather reminded me of a similar tactic employed in the run-up to the millennium year of 2000 when the experts confidently assured us the digital world was about

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  • Plain sailing and stormy waters


    Translation work was coming in and for a while things seemed to be set fair. Then the vessel started to ship water. 1992 might have been a watershed for European integration, but for the UK it brought a devastating recession. Our new company, now baptised with its present name, Anglia Translations, managed to survive, mainly because we had few overheads

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  • 1992 – “je ne regrette rien”


    If 1992 brought a burst of enthusiasm for learning a language, it also brought the dismal spectacle of the ERM debacle. For new readers the ERM (European Exchange Rate Mechanism) was a sort of embryonic form of the euro which tied the pound sterling to a basket of European currencies and in particular, the Deutsche Mark. On September 16 1992,

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