
  • Crowdsourced translations are not always a good idea!


    We are used to the concept of crowdfunding which has aroused great interest amongst start-up companies as a way of locating alternatives to unenterprising banks who often will only lend businesses money in exchange for the keys to the owner’s house. Translations can also be outsourced in this way and providing it is done with care and a lot of

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  • The EU referendum – a personal view


    The referendum is over, the votes have been counted and the decision is for the UK to leave the European Union after more than 40 years. 72% of the population voted and the result was clear – 52% for leave, 48% for Remain. You can’t argue with that. Our Prime Minister has taken the honourable decision to resign and a

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  • “Exporting should be everyone’s cup of tea”


    The catchy title comes from an article in the Sunday Times (29 May 2016) which asked why some 70% of businesses have no interest in exporting, according to the UK Trade and Investment organisation. Claire Burrows, who runs a luxury shoe business, is already selling to Germany and Japan, a mere 18 months after launching her company. Did she find

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  • Learning our Alep, Bet, Gimels


    New research has uncovered the origins of the English alphabet. It was first developed in the city of Ugarit, in what is now Syria, over 3000 years ago. Ugarit was a port and as such had trading relations with much of the Mediterranean including Egypt and Cyprus. Ugarit flourished roughly between 1450BC until its destruction in 1250BC. It was the

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